"Not at all sunny Sunny city" /Kemerovo/

"Not at all sunny Sunny city" /Kemerovo/

___ I met an absolutely amazing place in # Kemerovo. “Amazing” is not from the synonym for “magnificent”, but from the adjective “shocking” or causing emotional paralysis. This is exactly the impression made on me by the settlement # Predzavodskaya, which began its majestic existence immediately after the victory over Nazi Germany. It was built for the workers of the future largest enterprise in the chemical industry in Russia - #Nitrogen, the only producer of mineral fertilizers for the agrarian complex, coal mining enterprises and the chemical industry beyond the Urals. At one time, up to 14 thousand employees worked at this plant, today their number has decreased by three times. The factory settlement with modern architecture was considered elite at that time and was literally buried in greenery.

___ Today, this residential area is the ideal backdrop for filming films about the war, the gangster 90s or some kind of psychedelic with blurry edges of reality. By the way, friends who are directly related to the film industry, I seriously ask you to take a closer look at this place.

___ When I first met the village, I was literally haunted by the thought that I was in the city of #TwinPix, fictional by the scriptwriters. It is not for nothing that the inhabitants themselves once called it the Bois de Boulogne. The feeling that literally around every corner a mystical and dramatic story was played out here, or was just about to be played out, did not let me go throughout the walk.

The archaic of the former Solar City, this is how its inhabitants called Predzavodskaya, when the area was completely new, today it is simply off scale! The state of emptiness, the apparent indifference of the communal services, the city authorities and the population itself to what is happening in this area can be traced literally in every meter of it. Peeling plaster, crumbling brickwork, rickety wooden sheds, ruins of buildings and stray dogs ... which seemed to me much more than people here. Although we must pay tribute to housing and communal services - every house has garbage cans and, at first glance, the village seems to be clean. But I think this is only for now ... While everything is sprinkled with snow, albeit not white, but still.

I do not want to offend all residents, but for some reason it seems to me that a large number of asocial citizens live in this area. My brain persistently draws pictures of drug addicts, depraved girls, eternally snotty children and old people drinking in solitude ... Not being an employee of regulatory bodies and not being able to confirm or refute my suspicions, I pray to God that this is not so! Let exceptionally happy families live behind every rickety door of dilapidated two-story buildings, completely satisfied with their way of life and place of existence.

___ Leaving drowning in the merciless river of time is no longer a Sunny city, I suddenly clearly realized the author's intention, the picture I saw during my walk. A huge phallic symbol, like a rocket soaring skyward, literally shouted to rare passers-by that they urgently needed to be felled from this Bois de Boulogne. And it is possible that not only from the village, but in principle from the planet itself ...