"Walking on..." /Yy/

"Walking on..." /Yy/

___ Yaya is an urban-type settlement on the Trans-Siberian Railway.
_____ The oldest village in the territory of the modern village of Yaya was the village of Zharkovka. According to one version, it appeared on the site of the camp of the indigenous inhabitants of these places - the Chulym Turks by the river, which was called “Yai”.
_____ “Yai” in Turkic means “summer”, “summer pasture”, “summering”. The Russians, who came here at the beginning of the 18th century, having changed the name a little, began to call the river “Yaya”, later the village was also named that way.
In 1894, a railway bridge was built. During the construction of the railway, gravel pits were opened in the village, up to 400 people worked there, serving their duties.
_____ In 1917, Tomsk timber merchant Pyotr Makarovich Timofeev built a small sawmill in Yaya, which, after reconstruction by the mid-30s, turned into a large sawmill with logging stations in the taiga.
In 2019, 10,400 people lived here.
____ On the territory of the village in 1956-1958. archaeological excavations of two cemeteries on the right bank of Yaya were carried out by researchers at Tomsk University. During the excavation, stone axes, arrowheads, knives, and bone beads were discovered. Findings confirm that people (chum, Selkups, Tatars) lived along the banks of the Yai during the Neolithic, 5-6 thousand years ago, were hunters and fishers.
____ And yet, for many years in Yaya there is a male penal colony of strict regime. And after her release, many of her guests stay here to live ...