"Surovoe" /Suranovo/

"Surovoe" /Suranovo/

__Suranovo village I can take forever!
__ There is some unusual attractiveness in her, though she has no one to attract. It is located on the border of the Kemerovo and Tomsk region, was founded in 1896 on the road to the construction of the Great Trans-Siberian Railway.
__Today, 96 people live in the village. A few years ago, Suranovo was annexed to the Taiga urban district, which is 30 km away by electric train. For what? It's simple, so that the city of Taiga does not lose its status and does not reduce the amount of money coming into the budget. They added to Taiga Suranovo, but the “Suranovites” didn’t begin to live “in the city”.
__ Having turned off the platform onto the village street, on the creaky boards of the wooden flooring, which covers the autumn slush, I head to the school. It is located near the railway station, and is surrounded by peaks of centuries-old fir. Along the way, a company of local kids overtakes me. White bows, heavy backpacks and rubber boots. You can’t do without them in the village. Smiling shyly and timidly glancing, they whisper merrily. It is understandable, guests here are infrequent, so every new face is of great interest. The sound of the bell, with a loud echo breaking the village silence, invites children to a lesson. Peering through the window, I see how a diligent student, sitting down at her desk and opening a notebook, begins to write something down in her with a very serious look.
Today, only 17 children study at this school. This year there is no graduation class, but there is one first grader. And this pleases Suranovtsev!
__ You can talk for a long time about the problems of the village. That there is no automobile communication with the world. It is impossible to get either coal or building materials to fix rickety huts. About the need to carry the dead for an autopsy in electric train cars, and after taking them on a sled to the local cemetery along a marked winter road, trampling the path to the waist in the snow. About the lack of medicine, normal social and technical services, the rule of law ...
__But, by the way, who cares ?!

Suranovo, 2015 - 2018.