"Requiem for an old house"

"Requiem for an old house"

___ When I get into abandoned houses, I always think about what happened to the former inhabitants. Almost always, I have the lasting impression that people suddenly left their homes.
___ Doesn’t fit in my head, how can I move, not pick up photos of my relatives ?! Or just do not clean up after yourself ?! I’m always curious, for example, who and for what purpose did they screw a meat grinder to the table for parting? Do people really want to stick dumplings or fry cutlets on the path? And what do the personal things left behind, the dishes, socks or felt boots hanging on a rope, abandoned to dry on a stove shelf say?
___ Thinking about it, I really want to believe that these people are doing well now! That the “good” left simply turned out to be superfluous in their new prosperous life! What now they certainly have a cozy home, fashionable clothes, modern technology and extremely glamorous photos, carefully folded on the pages of the social networks of their gadgets.

___ But always something stubbornly tells me that this is not so ...
___ That in most cases, everything that is left and abandoned is the most valuable and expensive!