"Pro Agafiy" /Lukoshkino/

"Pro Agafiy" /Lukoshkino/

___ I watched the latest news about the life of our hermit Agafia Lykova and thought - how many of these “Agafias” lonely spend their days all over Russia - mother ?!
___ The village of Lukoshkino is almost entirely and immediately opens to anyone who wants to get into it. It is located in the Topkinsky district of the Kemerovo region and is part of the Lukoshkinsky rural settlement. According to the All-Russian Census in 2010, 252 people lived in it (125 men, 127 women). Now, I think, even less.
___ At the entrance to the village, on the left side of the road, there is a very interesting tree. I don’t know what happened to him, either fell from old age, or some of the hurricanes broke him, but it spun in a very bizarre form. At the same time, she did not give up and continues to live. My friend and I could not resist and stopped to take a picture. We’re shooting, when we suddenly hear a voice from afar - “Good day! What are you taking pictures here? ” The question is already quite familiar to us, so we hasten to explain ourselves to the questioner in order to reassure and explain that we are not encroaching on someone else's good and are not going to steal anything in neighboring gardens. We approach, greet and understand that the grandmother is not evil. Meets with an open mind. The usual conversation in such cases begins. My name is Grandma Rita, she is 86 years old, lives alone. First of all, she asks us - “What a tree, you won’t take it out of me!” And the story begins about how the neighboring pigs do not give life, come and dig a path in front of the house. What poor woman Rita did not do anymore, and she talked amiably with her neighbors, begged tearfully to look after her pigs, and went to the city council with complaints - everything is useless. Only she walks the path along which she carries water to the house with buckets from a neighboring street, evens out how the neighbor’s boars are again right there.
About twenty minutes, our grandmother complained about our misfortune, when she suddenly woke up - “Why are I keeping the guests at the gate ?! Let’s go to the house, I’ll give you a tea to drink! ” To refuse a lonely woman, so in need of at least being listened to, we had no moral right. Only one thought flashed in our heads at the same time - what was going to treat us, it is clear from everything that it itself is not eating up. They wanted to run away to the store for food, but met with categorical resistance on her part.

___ Entering such dwellings, I am always amazed not at that simplicity and antiquity of the situation, but about the ability of these people to exist in such conditions. Tea on the stove melted in the morning was still warm, Baba Rita, complaining about the lack of a refrigerator, took out her simple supplies - sweets, yes, cookies and waffles from the buckets that were right there on the table. She spoke without stopping. The fact that you have to sleep in the winter in the kitchen by the stove, because everything is blowing in the hall, about the fact that the electric meter is hanging up, you really need to replace it, was worried that the roof was going to hell, leaking as if the ceiling had collapsed. Vaska complained about her cat. A flea, such an infection, drags from somewhere. To wash it already with wormwood is tired. And this is not an easy task - to apply water, and heat it for swimming. Itself has long been washed in the neighbors. Not often, who, when to have mercy and invite.
___ I sat, drank tea with sweets and thought - well, why not Agafya? And he lives not in the wilderness, like, but in power close by. Help - I do not want! But no ... Helicopters with provisions do not fly to Baba Rita, do not show it on local television.
Why, actually?
Maybe someone knows?