"Kolya, Kolya, Nikolay" /Kemerovo/

"Kolya, Kolya, Nikolay" /Kemerovo/

___ I met Nicholas by chance. I walked along one of the streets of Kemerovo, in search of a descent to Tomi. A woman noticed my camera and with a stern look went out to meet. A conversation ensued, I was invited to enter and take a picture of the river from the garden side. Nikolai, who was visiting a neighbor, with the question, “Do you have a single girlfriend?” volunteered to conduct me. The cat Bubyonchik got in touch with us, who did not leave his master for a single step. As usual, a man asked why I was taking pictures. She explained that I’m just fixing my life, sharing pictures with people on the pages of social networks, sometimes telling small stories about my heroes.
“Great,” Nikolay said. “And shoot me, tell me how war veterans live in our country!”
___ At 18, Nikolai went to military service in the air defense forces. Returning, got a job in the organs, got married, raised two children.
“My parents planted these birches when I was born,” he shared with me. - And these, extreme, I have already planted. One in honor of the birth of a daughter, the second in honor of his son. "
The couple lived in the family home, which remained to Nikolai’s parents from his grandmother. Later bought a small apartment. Almost every year he went on business trips to hot spots, disappearing from home for six months. He survived, seen enough ... The couple broke up 11 years ago. And this is not surprising - not every woman will withstand such frequent and prolonged separation.
After the divorce, he left his apartment to his wife, he himself settled in the ancestral home. That dilapidated housing is not difficult to guess. Yes, and thoroughly neglected. A man without a woman, that a tree without a caterpillar, seems to live, but does not bear fruit. Nicholas was dismissed from the organs six years ago when he was 40. For health reasons he was sent to a pension, the size of which is 16,000 rubles today.
___ I suppose many will say ...
Yes, Nikolai drinks, looking at him, this immediately becomes obvious. I would also be able to rebuke him, saying that it is alcohol that prevents you from living richly and happily, but the language did not turn! Two entries in the work book: “Accepted” and “Dismissed,” many awards and the fact that after the divorce the children remained with their father, categorically refusing to live with their mother, did not allow me to conclude that this man is a complete drunkard and parasite ! Now his daughters are 23. After graduation, he lives separately, so closer to work. Son 19, still lives with Nikolai, is going to the army. On his 18th birthday, his father gave him a car, which he issued on credit.
Our veteran is not in any line for improving housing conditions. Something tells me that he simply does not know about the existence of such programs in our country. Yes, and not self-serving, apparently. A little house, though ancient, but stands in a very good place: on the banks of the river, almost in the city. Two million give in stride, in cash! But Nikolai always refuses such offers.
“I'm used to it already,” he says. “I was born here, and here I will die.” The only thing that offends him is that the new governor completely stopped congratulating on the holidays.
“Tuleyev at least sent the cards, but now nothing at all. If only they would give a package of buckwheat or tea. I’m not saying that I’m starving, but the cat’s attention is also pleasant. ”
And Nikolai also complains that you have to live in the same place.
“So find a woman,” I advise him. “The two of us are having more fun, and the order in the house will make you clean.”
“Where will you find her in our village? - sighs Nikolai. “I don’t go anywhere, to the store and back.” Yes, I’m running to my neighbor when he comes to the country. ”

___ Having finished the conversation, I tried several times to leave. Nikolai did not let go, he asked me to sit still and talk. It was evident that we did not grab the most valuable thing to him - simple human communication!
I had a lump in my throat. I understood that having lost balance in our country, it is very difficult to regain it. Have you been honored and honored at least a thousand times!