Member of the Union of Photo Artists of Russia


"Lacking good technique, I have long ago scored on the technical quality of the pictures I give to the audience, completely surrendering to the artistry and imagery in the frame." "I am ironic about the ideas of some who use various technologies, characterized by an exorbitant desire for image clarity, super-sharpness, careful refinement of the picture," adding that "Sharpness is a bourgeois prejudice" and Robert Capa, who stated that: " The photographer's hand tremble slightly. "Well, which of me is the ruling class of capitalist society?! And my hands, oh yes, they already shake sometimes ..."
Svetlana Likhanova

“Svetlana Likhanova. The photographer is so diverse that, on the example of her work, you can safely teach the course“ Genre and style features of domestic photography of the XXI century. ”Without the slightest irony. But what especially delayed her were her experiments with motion capture, distortions and effects of pictorial post-processing .
What am I doing? The villages. Country roads. Groves. Snow. Motion capture. Colorization. The words are the same. But how unique are the results when this set is realized in the artist’s photographic act. What's the secret? I feel that now I’ll grab the answer for the runaway tail .... "
Olga Confederate

1975 - was born in the city of Yurga, Kemerovo region.
2002 - graduated from the Taiga College of Railway Transport with a degree in _______ "Power Supply", worked in a car-repair depot, and a 5-level milling machine operator.
2014 - at the end of the year she began to get involved in photography.
2015 - Admitted to the Union of Photo Artists of Russia.
2020 - graduated from the Kemerovo Institute of Culture, majoring in Cinema, Photo and Video Directing

2016 - winner of the interregional competition of journalistic skills
________ "Siberia - the territory of hopes", in the nomination "Photoreport".
2016 - winner of the photo competition "Stop frame", Kemerovo.
2016 - winner of the contest "Best of Russia -2015".
2017 - Photo Contest Winner at Creative Forum in China
________ "Consonance of arts in different horizons."
2017 - Finalist of the First Festival of Russian Art Photography, Serpukhov
2018 - winner of the photo contest of the modern self-portrait "It's Me", the city of Kemerovo.
2018 - Finalist of the XIX International Festival of Student Films and Creative Photography ________ "Golden Five", Moscow.
2018 - winner of the All-Russian contest of media
________ "Patriot of Russia -2018", in the nomination "Photoreport".
2018 - winner of the contest "Best of Russia -2017".
2019 - Gold and silver diploma "Art Prospect", Kemerovo.
2023 - laureate of the II st II International Festival of Visual Arts “Patterned Thread”, Ryazan

2015 - personal photo exhibition dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory, the city of Taiga.
2016 - personal photo exhibition "I remember, I am proud", the city of Kemerovo.
2016 - personal photo exhibition "Indifferent", the city of Kemerovo.
2017 - personal photo exhibition "One Day in the Life of Andrei", the city of Taiga.
2018 - personal photo exhibition "My Village", the city of Taiga.
2022 - personal exhibition "PRO outback: PUNCTUM on the map", Kemerovo.
2023 - personal photo exhibition "Siberiada", Mariinsk.

Repeated participant in the international photo exhibition "The World through the Eyes of Women", Haifa and Dr.